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Shannon Walters lives in Grahamstown and drives out to Fort Beaufort everyday because he's a traffic officer there. 

Shannon’s Toyota has gone through many modifications to suit his style. One of these modifications is the lowered suspension of the car. 

Shoes are a lot like the rims of a car. Shannon’s  hub cap is a reflection of his shoe style. 

The Toyota’s windows are tinted and he put in a sunroof for those hot drives to and from Grahamstown.

The week after these photos were taken Shannon had his car lowered even more by cutting his springs. 

Shannon and his friends are part of an Owl crew. To showcase their unity they put stickers of an owl on the back windows of their cars.


Neshi and Shannon 


Prinesh “Neshi” Govender and Shannon Walters are friends who stay in Grahamstown. Shannon drives a  white Toyota Corolla and Neshi a white Volkswagen Golf. Follow these stanced drivers photo stories below.

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